Global Instability?

Militants from Hamas, the organization that has governed (or occupied) the Gaza Strip since 2007 after defeating the more moderate Palestinian faction Fatah, shockingly broke through security into Israel and killed hundreds of innocent civilians at a music festival in Southern Israel over the weekend. Hamas also infiltrated 22 Israeli towns and army bases and took civilians and soldiers hostages, many... Continue Reading →

Are Jerusalem Rhapsodies ‘Forced and Affected’?

Bayard Taylor (1825-1878), was an American poet, literary critic, translator, travel author, and diplomat. In The Lands of the Saracens (1863), he wrote of his impressions of the "holy land," specifically Jerusalem, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire: "I cannot assume emotions I do not feel and must describe Jerusalem as I found... Continue Reading →

Israelis Flock to UAE

NPR, 2021: "Israelis are visiting Dubai in the tens of thousands. Where in the past, they could only arrive as undercover spies, competitive athletes or foreign passport holders, now they are loud and proud, running into the arms of their new Middle Eastern friend, the oil-rich United Arab Emirates." Related: Israeli Tourism Ministry Warns Against Discussing Sensitive... Continue Reading →

‘Studied Empathy’ for Muslims, Christians, and Jews Is Essential to Understanding Middle East Conflict

In Jerusalem: The Biography, author Simon Sebag Montefiore asserts that the history of Jerusalem is "the story of the world" -- with so many illustrious characters in world history playing important roles there. At more than 600 pages, the book is a bit intimidating at first, but it is so well-written it doesn't bog down.  Montefiore, a historian,... Continue Reading →

A Religious Theme Park? Via Dolorosa

On my first trip to Jerusalem, I was happy not to be jostling and elbowing among the masses on pilgrimage. Instead, I wanted to step back and observe the city's fascinating culture, sociology, and history from outside the perspective of my own sect. And yet my attempt at observational objectivity was punctured the moment I... Continue Reading →

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